Wednesday, May 2, 2012


1.      Discuss what you already knew about research from previous experience before beginning English 1102 and how you feel that your knowledge of research has changed.

        Well coming right out of 1101 going into 1102, I knew mainly how to research and gather sources, along with how to write a few papers. But at this point in time I feel my knowledge has greatly grown. I now know how to break down a movie and understand hidden meaning behind it, I know how to write a scene analysis on a movie, why certain camera angles were used, and most important of all I have now seen The Godfather
        On a serious note, leaving this class I truly have gained a lot of knowledge about genre and movies. Certain tings that I would have never picked up on had it not been for this class. I feel very lucky to have gotten into a Movie Genre 1102 class, reason being is a love movies and that being said, made his class so much more enjoyable than it would have been if I didn't enjoy movies.

        Now when I move onto future English classes I'll have a good understanding of breaking down genres of writing and be able to develop from there. Overall, this was a fantastic course and one I was glad to take part in.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Das Vent

What was the most confusing part about trying to paraphrase "The Corleone Chronicles"?
Probably trying to find a area in which could relate to my Journal 3. Luckily I was able to spot a paragraph quickly. The article was easy to read, so no trouble came into the mix.

 How did your understanding of this article compare with your understanding of Sarah Vowell's podcast onThe Godfather
Frankly I didn't understand much about how watching The Godfather could have help as it was mainly just whining and annoying voice for 15 minutes.

Why is the focus on academic writing in college as opposed to more popular writing like Sarah Vowell's podcast? Do you agree with the academic focus?
Not 100% sure on this one, but maybe since people aren't used to podcast or other forms of literature as they are with writing. I suppose I agree with it. I'd rather write then listen to podcast all day.

 Do you think that learning this new way of arguing and debating will help you to understand other parts of your world?
Yes, I always felt that arguing and debating sides helps understand others thoughts and views on subjects.

How did you choose the passage from “The Corleone Chronicles” to add to your journal?
It was the one I found most suiting for my topic, originality. Other paragraphs that I read didn't seem to compare characters or styles like the one I chose. So this made it easy for me to summarize with my topic.

Did you think that it was a big jump to link the two different views of originality and genre? Were they unrelated in your opinion? If so, how hard was it to find a place to relate it back to your journal, and did you feel like you were just plugging it somewhere?
I didn't think it was that big of a deal to link two views as I always try and keep an open mindset of things being their own for both groups.Yes and No, yes as genre and originality can't collide easily. Seeing most movies try and fit an already famous genre they can't relate. BUT, if a movie were to go beyond just the specific genre or add something knew to said genre then they (Originality and Genre) could both be two peas in a pod.

 Had you considered The Godfather in your original journal before today? 
No, as I had never seen The Godfather and I didn't really have plans on seeing it. So I doubt it would have fit into any journal if it weren't for the class.

What examples had you previously included to support your view of originality?
I included that to be original you need to "Be yourself" or just not follow in others footsteps, set your own fossils and lead the way.

 Finally, how helpful was the article in helping you to rethink the views that you had previously explored in your first journal?
It was rather helpful, I went back and thought more about my first journal, debated against myself on past and present opinions on the matter.

If you had to do the process again (and you will!), what would you do differently to make the process go smoothly?

Well I found that it went smooth anyways, so I suppose I can improve on detail of my Journal next time to better suit other sections of "The Corleone Chronicles".

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Independent Research

      Over the past week I have found interest in learning more about C++ programming for video games. I had already had some practice in C++ from my Introduction to Computer Science (C++). But what I was researching were things we had yet to go over. What sparked this interest was that I had been talking with friends who I play some games with about creating a custom game. We were all throwing out ideas and the game began to develop a story. We were creating the fun, lore, "addictiveness", and the longevity of the game.

      With all this brainstorming we came to the next step. How to create it. A few of us already knew C++, JAVA, SQL, and LUA, which are the main game coding language we were going to use. My problem, as stated earlier, I only knew the basics on how to code in C++. So I took it upon myself to start learning more advanced C++ so that I could help out with the programming, instead of just being an idea/someone who spawns things in-game.

      Since starting this research of C++ I'm now able to create my own "bosses" that move and do things. I can create custom scripts that other games have yet to implement and I can now further help the group. Overall, this has been a fantastic learning experience, and something that I will use down the road if I get a career in game development or some other job that involves C++. This will also help me in further C++ classes that I will be taking as I will have some knowledge of what we will already be learning.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why are films today based more on what could happen?...

           My question for this post is "Why are film today based more on what could happen? Unlike movies from around five or so year ago which were based on true stories. I suppose my question sort of points towards war movies. About five or ten years ago movies would come out being based off of recent happenings around the world such as, Black Hawk Down. Today you see more war/battle movies based on false events such as Battle: LA or Avatar. Is it that there just hasn't been any major events that a movie could be made out of, because I find that hard to imagine with all the talk about Iraq and what not. Or could it be that these types of movies don't attract as big of a audience as these fictional war movies do. I mean I can understand why some people would rather go see a movie about fake aliens taking over the world rather than a movie based on American soldiers being killed. To find an answer to this question, I will need to search a bit an try to find answer based on filmmakers and the audiences from both types non-fiction and fiction. I'll try and keep this updated with answers I get.